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Community Guidelines

Last updated: October 10, 2022

Ganjingworld aims to be a clean digital "ecosystem" where people can browse a wide variety of information, free of concerns about what they see or view. Our Community Guidelines outline what type of content is not allowed on Ganjingworld. These policies apply to all types of content on our platform, including but not limited to audio, videos, graphics, photos, texts, branding (including trade names, trademarks, service marks, or logos), interactive features, software, metrics, and other materials whether provided by us, you or third-party.

Our Community Guidelines are regularly updated to ensure our users have a healthy and safe online environment. Channels or content that do not follow these policies may be terminated and removed from Ganjingworld at its sole discretion.

  • Any spam or deceptive content is prohibited on Ganjingworld. This includes manipulating the number of views, likes, comments, or other metrics, impersonating a person or channel, and/or sending users to websites featuring content that violates our Community Guidelines
  • Any violent content is prohibited on Ganjingworld. This includes content that threatens other individuals, encourages illegal activities that risk serious physical harm or death, and/or promotes hate speech or violent criminal organizations.
  • Any harmful content is prohibited on Ganjingworld. This includes content that endangers the emotional and physical well-being of our viewers, promotes harmful or dangerous acts, inflicts emotional distress on viewers, and/or encourages cyberbullying and harassment.
  • Any erotic content or use of vulgar language is prohibited on Ganjingworld. This includes content that contains pornography, and/or is meant to be sexually gratifying.
  • Any content intended to sell certain regulated goods and services is prohibited on Ganjingworld.
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